Peak Performance Buoyancy


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Observe aquatic life without disturbing their surroundings. Improve the buoyancy skills you learned as a new diver and elevate them to the next level.

Excellent buoyancy control is what defines skilled scuba divers. You’ve seen them underwater. They glide effortlessly, use less air and ascend, descend or hover almost as if by thought. They more easily observe aquatic life without disturbing their surroundings. You can achieve this, too. The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty course improves the buoyancy skills you learned as a new diver and elevates them to the next level.

PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers or higher, who are at least 10 years old, are eligible to take the Peak Performance Buoyancy course.

During two scuba dives, you’ll learn how to:

  • Determine the exact weight you need, so you’re not too light or too heavy.
  • Trim your weight system and scuba gear so you’re perfectly balanced in the water.
  • Streamline to save energy, use air more efficiently and move more smoothly through the water.
  • Hover effortlessly in any position – vertical or horizontal.


It’s best to use your own scuba equipment, including a weight system, so that you fine-tune your buoyancy in gear you’ll use on every dive. Divi Diving can help you find the equipment that is best for you and your diving adventures.

Additional information

Number of open water lessons


Minimum Prerequisite Certification

Open Water Diver

Course duration

1.5 Days

Available in (language)

Dutch, English, PADI Languages


Excluding gear

Minimum Age (years)


Number of pool lessons


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Ontdekken, Plezier hebben, Ervaren Daar draait het in de PADI Advanced Open Water Diver-cursus om. Je hoeft niet “gevorderd” (Engels: advanced) te zijn om deze cursus te volgen. Hij is bedoeld om jou te laten vorderen met duiken, zodat je er direct nadat je het PADI Open Water Diver-brevet hebt gehaald mee kunt beginnen. De cursus helpt je door middel verschillende Adventure-duiken meer zelfvertrouwen op te bouwen en je duikvaardigheden uit te breiden. Je kunt verschillende specialty’s uitproberen en doet onder begeleiding van je PADI-instructeur meer ervaring op. Je logt de duiken en ontwikkelt vaardigheden, en vindt nieuwe manieren om plezier te halen uit het duiken.

Kies de 3 duiken die je wil doen naast de diepe duik en de navigatie duik.

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