Advanced Open Water Diver

  • Deep Diver

    279Wreck Jane-C ArubaThe lure of the deep. There’s something exciting and mysterious about exploring deeper dive sites while scuba diving. Sometimes it’s a wreck that attracts you below 18 metres/60 feet, and on wall dives it may be a giant fan or sponge. Whatever it is, to scuba dive with confidence at depths down to 40 metres/130 feet, you should take the PADI Deep Diver Specialty course. If you’ve earned the PADI Adventure Diver rating or higher, and you’re at least 15 years old, you can enroll in the Deep Diver course.More info

    Deep Diver

  • Underwater Navigator

    249Onder water navigatie oefeningBe the scuba diver everyone wants to follow because you know where you are and where you’re going. The PADI Underwater Navigator course fine-tunes your observation skills and teaches you to more accurately use your compass underwater. If you like challenges with big rewards, take this course and have fun finding your way. If you’re a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver who is at least 10 years old, you can enroll in the PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty course.More info

    Underwater Navigator

  • Drift Diver

    199DSMB oplaten boven koralenThe PADI Drift Diver Specialty course teaches you how to enjoy going with the flow as you scuba dive down rivers and use ocean currents to glide along. It feels like flying – except that you’re underwater using scuba equipment. Drift diving can be relaxing and exhilarating at the same time. If this sound like fun, then the Drift Diver course is for you. If you’re a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver who is at least 12 years old, you can enroll in the Drift Diver specialty course.More info

    Drift Diver

  • Night Diver

    199The thought of dipping below the surface at night seems mysterious, yet so alluring. Although you’ve been scuba diving at a site many times before, at night you drop into a whole new world and watch it come to life under the glow of your dive light. The scene changes as day creatures retire and nocturnal organisms emerge. If you’ve wondered what happens underwater after the sun goes down, sign up for the PADI Night Diver Specialty course. PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers or higher, who are at least 12 years old, can enroll in the Night Diver specialty course.

    Night Diver

    Temporarily unavailable

  • Dry Suit Diver

    219Want to stay warm? Want to extend your scuba diving season? Then dive dry. A dry suit seals you off from the water and keeps you comfortable, even in surprisingly cold water. There is incredible diving in the world’s cooler regions and in some areas, conditions are even better in colder months. Becoming a dry suit diver allows you to expand your boundaries and dive more places, more often. If you’re at least 10 years old and certified as a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver or higher, you can enroll in the Dry Suit Diver course.

    Dry Suit Diver

    Temporarily unavailable

  • Peak Performance Buoyancy

    219PPB zwevend op je zijObserve aquatic life without disturbing their surroundings. Improve the buoyancy skills you learned as a new diver and elevate them to the next level. Excellent buoyancy control is what defines skilled scuba divers. You’ve seen them underwater. They glide effortlessly, use less air and ascend, descend or hover almost as if by thought. They more easily observe aquatic life without disturbing their surroundings. You can achieve this, too. The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty course improves the buoyancy skills you learned as a new diver and elevates them to the next level. PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers or higher, who are at least 10 years old, are eligible to take the Peak Performance Buoyancy course.More info

    Peak Performance Buoyancy

  • Boat Diver

    229Much of the world’s best scuba diving is accessible only by boat. Whether you’ve never made a boat dive or you’ve logged dozens, the PADI Boat Diver Specialty course will benefit you because boats in various parts of the world do things differently. Scuba diving from a boat is fun and relatively easy because you usually descend directly onto your dive site. If you’re a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver who is at least 10 years old, you can enroll in the Boat Diver course.

    Boat Diver

    Temporarily unavailable

  • Sidemount Diver

    269Sidemount Diving

    Having scuba tanks on your back isn’t a requirement for exploring the underwater world.

    Many scuba divers have discovered the joy of mounting cylinders on their sides. Sidemount diving gives you flexibility and streamlining options. Plus, you don’t have to walk with heavy cylinders on your back – just enter the water, clip them on and go.

    Sound interesting? Sign up for the PADI Sidemount Diver Specialty course. If you’re a PADI Open Water Diver who is at least 15 years old, you can enroll in a PADI Sidemount Diver course.

    This course is particularly interesting for people with back problems.

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    Sidemount Diver

  • Self-Reliant Diver

    249With proper training, equipment and the right attitude to accept the risks involved in independent diving, an experience diver can responsibly engage in dives without a buddy. Self-reliant diving is an adventure activity that is not for everyone, but does have its place. If you have the mental discipline and commitment to learn and follow self-reliant diving techniques, you’ll bolster your skills and confidence when diving alone, in a dive pair or as part of a team. You need to be a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver who is at least 18 years old and has 100 logged dives to enroll in the Self-Reliant Diver course. You’ll also complete a skills assessment with your PADI Self-Reliant Diver Instructor before diving into the course.

    Self-Reliant Diver

    Temporarily unavailable

  • Search & Recovery Diver

    279It happens: People accidentally drop things from docks, off boats or even while scuba diving. If you’ve ever lost something in the water and wanted to go find it, then the PADI Search and Recovery Diver Specialty course is for you. There are effective ways to search for objects underwater that increase your chances of success. And there are good and better methods to bring up small, large or just awkward items. Search and recovery can be challenging, but a whole lot of fun. PADI (Junior) Advanced Open Water Divers who are at least 12 years old can enroll in the Search and Recover Diver course. PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers with a PADI Underwater Navigator certification also qualify.

    Search & Recovery Diver

    Temporarily unavailable

  • Wreck Diver

    279Whether purpose-sunk as an artificial reef for scuba divers, or lost as the result of an accident, wrecks are fascinating windows to the past. Ships, airplanes and even cars are fascinating to explore and usually teem with aquatic life. Each wreck dive offers a chance for discovery, potentially unlocking a mystery or spying something others have missed. The PADI Wreck Diver Specialty course is popular because it offers rewarding adventures while observing responsible wreck diving practices. If you’re at least 15 years old and have earned a PADI Adventure Diver certification or higher, you can enroll in the Wreck Diver Specialty course.

    Wreck Diver

    Temporarily unavailable

  • Dive Against Debris

    149Dive Against Debris

    Do you want to make a difference on every dive but are not sure where to begin? Gain the knowledge and skills to activate your inner citizen scientist by taking the Dive Against Debris® Specialty. You’ll learn to complete Dive Against Debris surveys under the guidance of a PADI® Professional and help keep you your local dive sites healthier by removing trash. If you’re a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver who is at least 12 years old, you can enroll in the Dive Against Debris Specialty course.

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    Dive Against Debris

  • Aware Shark Conservation

    189Tiger shark

    Love sharks? Scared of sharks? Or do you just want to know more about them? Enroll in an AWARE Shark Conservation Specialty course and discover the value of sharks to marine ecosystems and economies. You’ll learn more about the causes of declining shark populations and the actions you can take to become a knowledgeable and passionate shark defender. By being informed, you can dispel misconceptions and act to protect sharks. Sharks need you! If you’re a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver who is at least 12 years old, you can enroll in the AWARE Shark Conservation Diver Specialty course.

    More info

    Aware Shark Conservation

Explore, Enjoy, Experience.

That’s what the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course is all about. You don’t have to be “advanced” to take it – it’s designed to advance your diving, so you can start right after earning your PADI Open Water Diver certification. The course helps build confidence and expand your scuba skills through different Adventure Dives. You try out different specialties while gaining experience under the supervision of your PADI Instructor. You log dives and develop capabilities as you find new ways to have fun scuba diving.

Onderwater navigatie oefening
Under water navigation excercise
Sea Needle / Zeenaald
Sea needle (Night dive, Nieuwe Kerkweg)
Propellor Jane C
Propellor Jane C Wreck (deep dive, Aruba)
Sepia's aan het paren bij de Zeelandbrug
Sepia brooding (Zeelandbrug)

Together we will plan your learning path by choosing from a long list of Adventure Dives. There are two required dives – Deep and Underwater Navigation – and you choose the other three, for a total of five dives.
During the Deep Adventure Dive, you learn how to plan dives to deal with the physiological effects and challenges of deeper scuba diving. The Underwater Navigation Adventure Dive refines your compass navigation skills and helps you better navigate using kick-cycles, visual landmarks and time.
The other knowledge and skills you get vary with your interest and the adventures you have – drift and/or night diving, photography, buoyancy control, fish identification, exploring wrecks and many more.

Get credit! Each Adventure Dive may credit toward the first dive of the corresponding PADI Specialty Diver Course. If you’ve already taken a specialty diver course, ask your instructor if you’ve earned credit for an Adventure Dive.
Have a look at the specialties to see which posibilities are available with Divi Diving. Some specialties cannot contribute to this course, eg. there is no dive in the specialty. It’s also possible to get your Advanced Open Water certification by completing 5 Specialty courses (with dives).

PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers who are at least 12 years old are ready to step up and enroll in an Advanced Open Water Diver course. Young divers may only participate in certain Adventures Dives – check with your PADI Instructor.

Beyond using basic scuba equipment, you’ll need a compass and dive knife or dive tool. You’ll also use specialized gear depending on the Adventure Dives you choose. For example, you’d obviously use a dry suit for the Dry Suit Adventure Dive or a sidemount configuration during the Sidemount Adventure Dive. Your PADI Instructor will explain the equipment that you need and may suggest additional gear, such as dive light for night diving or lift bag for search and recovery diving.

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Additional information

Minimum Prerequisite Certification

Open Water Diver

Minimum Age (years)


Course duration

5 dives

Available in (language)

Dutch, English, PADI Languages


Excluding gear

Deep Diver

Minimum Prerequisite Certification

Adventure Diver

Minimum Age (years)


Number of open water lessons



Bring your Divecomputer, eLearning, Excluding gear

Underwater Navigator

Number of open water lessons


Minimum Age (years)



eLearning, Excluding gear

Drift Diver

Minimum Age (years)


Minimum Prerequisite Certification

Open Water Diver


(Deco) Buoy and line, Excluding gear

Number of open water lessons


Course duration

2 Dives

Available in (language)

Dutch, English, PADI Languages

Peak Performance Buoyancy

Number of open water lessons


Minimum Prerequisite Certification

Open Water Diver

Course duration

1.5 Days

Available in (language)

Dutch, English, PADI Languages


Excluding gear

Minimum Age (years)


Number of pool lessons


Sidemount Diver

Minimum Age (years)


Minimum Prerequisite Certification

Open Water Diver

Available in (language)

Dutch, English, PADI Languages

Course duration


Number of confined water lessons


Number of open water lessons



Excluding gear

Dive Against Debris

Minimum Age (years)


Minimum Prerequisite Certification

Open Water Diver

Available in (language)

Dutch, English, German


Excluding gear

Aware Shark Conservation

Minimum Prerequisite Certification

Open Water Diver

Course duration

1.5 Days

Minimum Age (years)



Excluding gear

Available in (language)

Dutch, English

Number of open water lessons


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